Resources: Articles

Keri Lilley Keri Lilley

Building Attunement in Marriage

Building attunement in marriage involves creating a deep emotional connection and understanding between spouses. Attunement can sound extravagant, but really it is about growing together and knowing each other deeply. This doesn’t happen overnight and takes intentional practice!! Here are some ways to foster attunement, if this is all new to you, pick a couple of them to focus on and build some consistency.

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Keri Lilley Keri Lilley

Dating Your Spouse

I meet couples in my office who tell me they don’t have time to go on dates. Kids going here, there, everywhere. Can’t find a babysitter. Too tired. One reason after another. Here is the problem. If you are in marriage counseling, you need to get away together from the kids, the house, and your jobs and go on dates. You need to focus your attention on each other. Laugh. Tickle. Play. Relax. Escape.

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Keri Lilley Keri Lilley

Young Children and Smartphones

As you think about how summer will look in your home, remember there is no wrong or right way. Our unique temperaments, schedules, and circumstances make a one-size-fits-all approach inappropriate. However, based on research and observations over the past 30 years of working with young children, I prayerfully hope you will consider limiting electronics and smartphones as you imagine the summer with your family.

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Keri Lilley Keri Lilley

Summertime Structure for Families

Summer is here! You made it through the school year, and now you and your family are ready for a break. So, when we think of a “break,” we don’t necessarily think of “structure” or “routine.” However, structure, schedules, routines, and rhythms help us to rest well during our breaks.

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Keri Lilley Keri Lilley

Surviving a Stay-at-Home Summer

The upside? Summertime means no more car rider lines, rushed mornings, and packing lunches. Just splendid serenity… until, you realize this also means the kids are home all day, every day, and you’re their new entertainment! This can feel daunting, overwhelming, and somehow still exciting for a lot of parents.

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