Back to School Routines

By Jossie Quintana, LPC-S 

Summer is over and with that the challenge of establishing back-to-school daily routines with your children.  Kids want and need routines even though sometimes they do not know it.  Routines help them be more responsible, learn healthy living habits, develop appropriate behavior, and give them personal control.  Something important about routines is that they must be practiced over and over until it becomes a habit.

Morning Routines for Children

  • Wake at the same time every day

  • Make the bed

  • Brush teeth, wash hands, practice healthy hygiene

  • Get dressed for school

  • Eat a healthy breakfast or eat breakfast at school

  • Get your backpack & lunch box (have a designated place to put their backpack)

  • Leave for school

After School/Evening Routines

  • Eat a healthy snack

  • Have an assigned time for relaxation and fun

  • Have an assigned area & time for homework

  • Do extra-curricular activities (try to avoid having too many of them)

  • Dinner time (have conversations with your child about what they did during the day or things they like)

  • Bath time

  • Pick out clothes that will be worn the next day

  • Read with your child

  • Pray with your child

  • Get them to bed on time (at least 8 hours of sleep)


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